Chili, Cupcakes, Cake, and a Cat!

Joanna's Better Than Basic Veggie Chili, a tester recipe. It's pretty fantastic. I made some cornbread to go with it, and the combination made for several days of enjoyable meals.

Pink lemonade cupcakes! Well, that's what they were supposed to be, anyway. I pinked up the batter, but it didn't bake that way. Very annoying. The cupcakes are the basic golden vanillas from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World with some lemon extract thrown in, and the frosting is the lemon cream cheese recipe from the same book. That frosting is AMAZING. Seriously, it's worth typing in all caps for. I took these to my family's easter shindig and they were a big hit. Even my dad liked them, and he's been known to have heart palpitations at the mention of soy.

A pink lemonade mini cake made from leftover cupcake batter and frosting. For some reason these little cakes baked up a lot pinker than the cupcakes. Maybe because I used silicone pans? Who knows. Either way, it was cute and tasty. Forgive the shoddy frosting job. I was pretty tired of it at this point and there wasn't enough frosting left to do it up right.

And finally, this my kitty getting her stare on. Obviously she is not food, but I thought I'd post it anyway. Her eyes stare directly into your soul. Can you feel it? I know I can. What you probably can't get a sense of from this picture is how damn annoying she is. For real, she drives me crazy. Crazy, I tell you! It's a good thing she's cute.
Labels: baked goods, cake, chili, cupcakes, sweets, yellow rose recipes
they did looks so good, i want some now!
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:57 AM
It all looks so good! If I wasn't veggie I'd devour that cute cat. It's adorable!
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:42 AM
Aw, Scarlet sure is cute (even if annoying). Those cupcakes and mini-cake are adorable. I think I’ll do some muffins tonight, it’s been a while since I baked. I love your “darn good” cornbread recipe, I make it whenever I make chili or a spicy stew.
Posted by
Shananigans |
1:38 PM
Yum, the cupcakes look delicious! They look pretty pink in the pictures! :)
Posted by
jenny |
6:03 PM
Mini cakes?? Best idea ever! I mean, cupcakes are kind of like mini cakes, but not quite the same.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:30 PM
OMG, you're right! That's the most intelligent cat-stare I've ever seen. My Mom thinks cats are reincarnated humans (yeah, I know...) but this pic almost makes me believe it!
(Nice chili and cornbread, BTW)
Posted by
Tracy |
8:50 PM
The chili looks so good and colorful! That is definitely strange about the color of the cupcakes vs cake though!
Hey nice profile pic.. neat septum. Is that new?
Posted by
theONLYtania |
1:54 AM
I just read what emmie said about eating the cat, HAHA.
Posted by
theONLYtania |
1:55 AM
mihl - Thanks! Pink or not, cupcakes are always cute.
johanna3 - Make some!
emmie - cat are not for eating! :)
shananigans - I'm glad you like the cornbread! It's my favorite.
jenny - Thanks!
emily - Mini cakes are a whole different level of cute, I think. Because it's not just a small piece of cake with frosting on top, a la cupcakes. It's actually a whole layer cake, just shrunken down! So cute.
tracy - I don't know about reincarnated humans, but she's definitely too smart for her own good.
theonlytania - Yep, the septum is relatively new. It's fun, I like it.
Posted by
Amanda |
9:45 AM
That cat is so adorable. :)
Posted by
Unknown |
10:05 AM
OMG that is one starring cat! Does she really do that all the time?
Posted by
Susan Voisin |
9:54 AM
Everything looks great - especially the kitty! :)
Posted by
Mikaela |
10:29 AM
scott - Thanks! She is. It's the only reason I tolerate her. :)
susuanv - She does stare a lot. But it only really freaks me out when her pupils are slits like this. When she has the big round pupils going on, I just think it's cute.
mikaela - Thank you!
Posted by
Amanda |
11:56 PM
I just woke up, and you've made me want chili, cornbread, and cupcakes for breakfast. And a cat. Well, the cat just for companionship- the other things for eating. =)
Posted by
bazu |
10:01 AM
Meowza! I'd love that cake... not just a slice of it, either!! Lookin' good. The cat is super cute...
Posted by
KleoPatra |
2:02 AM
oh my heavens, your kitty is so prettiful!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6:36 PM
Ohhh, what a pretty little kitty!
Posted by
Danielle |
9:29 PM
what a feast. and I think that's a great frosting job! much better than I'd attempt to pull off.
and thanks for the kitty photo. i like to vicariously live through any pet owner i come across, as i myself cannot have one :(
Posted by
Linda |
4:07 PM
Oh my gosh I want to eat those cupcakes right off the screen!
Posted by
Kate |
10:26 PM
Your cake and cupcakes are very cute indeed. Chili and cornbread you say? One of my favorite meals. Kitty looks pretty adorable too.
Posted by
Carrie™ |
10:54 PM
That white,creamy mini-cace looks so nice! It was wery tasteful I think?... Your cat is also beautifully looking, so lovely coloured and those eyes, they are so beautifull green!
I have a dog, she DON`T like cats but I like..Maybe I have own cat-friend someday.. But, in weekend I`m going to make some caces too. Chocolade truffel cace is one which I have planned to made..
Posted by
Seitan Wörshipper |
12:25 PM
those cupcakes (and that cat!) look so cute! i love vegan cupcakes take over the world!
Posted by
Michelle |
10:03 AM
Your cake looks fabulous! I have to make a cake for a friend of mine pretty soon, so I've gotta start working on my icing skills. (Definitely not up to par.)
Your cat looks like my old cat! Her name was Rotel (yes, like the icky cheese dip w/ tomatoes) and she was adorable.
Posted by
Emily |
11:26 PM
You better do a bag-check for cakes and kitties before I leave your blog. :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:39 PM
i am going to make that icing right now. it sounds so good!!
Posted by
shaun.marie |
11:24 PM
That mini cake is too cute! I want cake now...and some cupcakes, too.
Love the kitty stare down. She's got such a sly little grin on her face, too...what does she know that I don't??
Posted by
Kati |
10:29 AM
Love yer small cake... The kitty is AWEsome. Beautiful!!
Posted by
KleoPatra |
2:30 AM
the food looks so yummy anf the kitty is so cute! too bad i'm allegic to cats.
Posted by
Rage And Love |
9:42 PM
Kitty cuteness!
I love the lemon cream cheese frosting from VWAV but I add fresh squeezed lemon juice & zest plus a bit of extract if I'm feeling sassy. SO GOOD!
Posted by
Melisser; the Urban Housewife |
3:23 AM
Annoying yet cute. That's sort of a job description for most cats.
Posted by
Rhea |
4:25 PM
The cat looks cute!! The cake and the cupcakes look so delicious!
Posted by
Anonymous |
11:05 AM
Your little girl is just adorable.
Posted by
momiecat |
4:25 PM
Someone sent me the link to this page, just telling me to scroll down and I'd see why. When I saw your cat, I knew why. I have your cat's sister living with me. Check her out at this link.
Incredible cuteness runs in that breed. (And with every other cat on Earth, as well.)
A beautiful day to you all,
Posted by
Bob D |
1:45 AM