Food porn of a different variety. I'm not actually crazy about the last one, but Blogger was being an asshole when I tried to center the 5th image by itself.
Posted by Amanda on July 27, 2006 at 12:52 AM |Permalink
megan - I wish that was my pantry. I took these outside of a little specialty shop near the farmer's market. It was closed, so everything was through the windows.
shananigans - Thanks. You'd be surprised, though. B&W is indeed magical, but I've seen some really crappy examples of it as well. High school photography class, I'm looking at you.
Thanks! I've always wanted to go in, too, but I'm a little intimidated by it for some reason. Irish Gypsy does have super-cute clothes. I tried a dress on in there once and it was awesome. Awesome to the tune of $125. Sooo not going to happen.
Thank you!
Posted by
Amanda |
10:57 AM
i am a fan of B&W photography especially when does this nicely. Great job, vegancore! I like it a lot.
Posted by
KleoPatra |
2:59 PM
Thanks! I didn't have any actual food photos to post, so I thought these would be an interesting change of pace. Or at least a change, anyway.
Posted by
Amanda |
3:19 PM
Hey....very nice. I'm guessing that either your pantry is very well stocked, or that you took pictures at one fine looking grocery store.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4:05 PM
Everything looks artsy in B&W. Well done.
Posted by
Shananigans |
4:48 PM
megan - I wish that was my pantry. I took these outside of a little specialty shop near the farmer's market. It was closed, so everything was through the windows.
shananigans - Thanks. You'd be surprised, though. B&W is indeed magical, but I've seen some really crappy examples of it as well. High school photography class, I'm looking at you.
Posted by
Amanda |
4:56 PM
What pretty pictures :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:32 PM
these are great! thanks for sharing them. :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
8:20 PM
vegan diva + girl least likely to - Thank you!
Posted by
Amanda |
10:52 PM
Thanks! I've always wanted to go in, too, but I'm a little intimidated by it for some reason. Irish Gypsy does have super-cute clothes. I tried a dress on in there once and it was awesome. Awesome to the tune of $125. Sooo not going to happen.
Posted by
Amanda |
9:53 AM
great shotz!
Posted by
urban vegan |
3:15 PM
Thanks! :)
Posted by
Amanda |
6:16 PM