Tofurky Italian Sausage + More Vegan Treats

Tonight we tried the Tofurky Italian Sausages. I sliced one up and browned it in a pan, and then we had it with whole wheat linguine. Obviously. It wasn't bad. I'm a pretty hard sell when it comes to mock meats, because usually I think they're either too close to the real thing and therefore nauseating, or too mushy/weird-tasting and therefore disgusting. So it's really a no-win situation. Rarely does a meat substitute get my stamp of approval. These don't have it yet, but they didn't ruin my pasta and they pack a heavy dose of protein (29 grams per sausage!), so I'll ry them again.

This little beauty is an orange creamsicle cake from Vegan Treats. It's a mini-cake, maybe 5" across - the perfect size, if you ask me. We've gotten 4 slices out of it so far, and there's enough left for another slice or two. It's two layers of vanilla cake with orange frosting, and little poofs of vanilla frosting on top. I believe the frosting has orange essence in it. It's really yummy, very rich and super sweet. So sweet that I actually scraped some off of my slice because it was a bit too much for me. It's funny; as a kid I would eat everyone else's leftover icing and I always wanted the piece with the most roses and blobs of icing on it. Now I find it sickeningly sweet at times, and definitely prefer a more modest amount. That's just me, though - the cake is really delicious. I'd love to try more of their cakes in the future, the coconut one especially.
Isn't this dramatically-lit photo amusing? I took a bunch and they all came out like this. It wasn't intentional - it's just the way the cake was sitting in its little to-go box.
Also, does anyone know where to get mini cake pans like this? I'm going to do a google search after I post this, but I thought I'd ask anyway. I want to make mini cakes.
Dramatic lighting. Makes the cake even more intriguing! I love that cake! Not sure where to find li'l pans, but i'll bet your search will yield a bunch of places that sell 'em.
I am a fan of mock meats and i do so love what you made. I have had similar dishes and swoon when thinking of how good they are!!! YUM!
Posted by
KleoPatra |
11:06 PM
Target probably has mini cake pans. Or of course a kitchen store. Down to business: that cake looks awesome! It reminds me of eating creamsicles when I was a kid. Like you, I find frosting too sweet sometimes and that is so unlike me!
Posted by
Eat Peace Please |
12:22 AM
kleo - Ha, the cake is mystery wrapped in a riddle of delicious icing. :)
leslie - I'm going to Target today I think, so maybe I'll luck out. The cake does remind me of creamsicles, which is totally why I got it. I love creamsicles. Someone needs to make a vegan creamsicle. As for the frosting, I still have a huge sweet tooth, but I think as I've gotten older the super sugary stuff has kind of lost its appeal.
Posted by
Amanda |
8:39 AM
Great picture of the cake. It looks yummy. As for mini cake pans, you may want to see if King Arthur Flour's catalog has any. They usually have a wide selection of pans.
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:06 AM
I like those Tofurky sausages and I really want to try them on the grill, but I usually do the same thing- throw them in with pasta.
Are the vegan treats holding up well? Sometimes I feel like vegan baked goods don't last as long, for whatever reason, as mainstream baked goods.
Posted by
Emily |
11:14 AM
Yeah, I still have a super sweet tooth, I mean, just look at my blog! But the crappy fake sugary stuff isn't appealing either.
Posted by
Eat Peace Please |
3:03 PM
creamsicle cake - wow. I used to make an orange creamsicle liquer, but it had condensed milk in it. I wonder if it could be veganize? Is there a vegan version of condensed milk?
I wish we had Target it Canada. Seems like all you bloggers shop there and find the coolest stuff.
Posted by
Anonymous |
3:25 PM
vegan diva - Thanks! I actually did look at the King Arthur website, but it seems like they only have a set of mini tiered pan for wedding-type cakes. I did see a lot of other things I wanted, thoough. :)
m.m - I think I'll probably be trying that out at a barbecue this coming weekend. Anything is better on the grill! I wish I had one.
emily - The cake was finished off today, and it was still good - the cake layers were a bit denser from being in the fridge, but otherwise it was fine. I had a bit of one other thing, and it held up remarkably well. I think overall vegan cakes dry out a little faster, but these are proving fairly impervious to a few days chillin' in the fridge.
leslie - Definitely. My level of tolerance for really sugary things has gone way down since I stopped eating so many of them. I don't crave them as much, either. It's actually kind of nice.
megan - I don't know of any commercially available vegan condensed milk, but I read once that you can make something similar by reducing soymilk on the stove. Soy creamer would probably make it super thick. Even coconut milk would probably work. I don't know for sure, though, since I've never actually tried it.
Target is pretty awesome, but I'd trade it for living in Canada, no contest.
Posted by
Amanda |
4:28 PM
I'm not even an orange fan, and that looks like a heavenly cloud of a dessert (did I just say that??). I know what you mean about fakes..sometimes I think maybe I like this? And then the consistency is just so strange. The only 'sausage' thing I like are Field Roast sausages - because they're not made to taste 'meaty'. I can't handle the thought of buying them and putting them in a bun though, if I ever buy them I'll do it your way.
Because over pasta with sauce = goodness.
Posted by
jess (of Get Sconed!) |
5:49 PM
That cake looks so good and sweeet that I now need to get a glass of water.
I know what you mean about faux meats. I think they only taste good when nice and crispy, but that means you need to fry oil, which is not something I want to eat everyday.
But I think I'll look for those tofurky things, if not just for the protein.
Posted by
Grace |
6:18 PM
jess - The cake is moving you to bad poetry. :) I prefer mocks that don't try to taste like meat. I've never seen the Field Roast kind around here, though. And you're right - pasta and a good sauce makes most things tasty.
grace - In my book, crispy always means good. :) I usually either saute things is a little bit of oil or just in a non-stick pan, or bake it to within an inch of its life. These sausages are definitely heavy on the protein, which is really nice.
jessica - Oh good! I didn't get their today, but I'll definitely check for them soon. I have some mini bundt pans from Wal-Mart, but I haven't used them yet.
Thanks! :)
Posted by
Amanda |
7:00 PM
I'm a big fan of the Tofurky sausages, but you know how I love the fake meats. I should get some use out of the grill this weekend, maybe I'll pick some of those up. Boca makes really good sausages too that I imagine would be good on the grill. Cake looks yummy. I had some wedding cake this weekend (not vegan I’m sure, very little there was), and I don’t know if I had too much wine or what but the icing just didn’t taste right. I only took a couple bites and abandoned it for the dance floor. I think as I get older I might be growing out of icing? I’d rather just have the cake.
Posted by
Shananigans |
7:01 PM
Oh yeah - I bet you can find mini cake pans fairly easily - maybe even at Target. Willams Sonoma, Kitchen Kaboodle, thrifting, wedding stores, etc.
Posted by
jess (of Get Sconed!) |
7:28 PM
Target does have a bunch... just checked on line...
Posted by
KleoPatra |
9:45 PM
shananigans - I agree, as I get older I'm losing my taste for the super sweet sugary stuff. Cake is perfectly yummy in and of itself. I still love a good cream cheez icing, though. Mmmmmm carrot cake. I've never tried the Boca sausages; I may need to pick some up.
jess - We have a pretty dismal selection of kitchen stores around here, so it may not be as easy as all that. Here's hoping, though! :)
kleo - I checked the Target website and only found mini-pans in the shape of flowers and hearts and stuff. Am I looking in the wrong place? Of course it's possible I missed them. I do tend to get distracted by all the other shiny goodies.
Posted by
Amanda |
11:13 PM