4/14 - Punk Rock Chickpea Gravy

Okay, so that didn't happen. The gravy was delicious, though. Isa really knows how to treat a chickpea. Plus it was super simple. Sautee an onion with some mustard seeds and garlic, add a can of chickpeas, mash 'em up, add an array of spices (cumin, paprika, corianer, oregano, thyme, rosemary), soy sauce, and the juice of one lemon, pour in 2 c. water with 1/4 c. flour dissolved in it, stir until thick, and then add 1/4 c. nutritional yeast. Done.
I really don't like the smell of nutritional yeast. It's very feet-y. Then when you throw lemon juice into the mix things start smelling like vomit. At least to me. So that turned me off for a minute. It tasted good enough when it was done to make up for the unpleasant smells along the way, though.
Definitely a keeper. I'm not surprised at all. VwaV has yet to let me down.
I need to jump on the punk rock chickpeas gravy train. Does it taste similar to other 'gravies'?
Posted by
jess (of Get Sconed!) |
12:10 AM
Honestly I couldn't say, since this was only the second gravy I've ever made. The other one was a very basic veg stock gravy. This was pretty substantial for a gravy, given the chickpeas... you could almost eat it on its own.
Posted by
Amanda |
12:38 AM
MMMM...I was wondering what this actually LOOKED like so thanks for posting a photo. I'm a really visual person so I tend to want to make recipes that have photos so I can see what I'm striving for in terms of presentation. This is definitely going on my list of things to make. "Feet-y" - LOL!
Posted by
kat |
11:25 AM
I'm the same way with recipes - I like to see what I'm getting myself into before I make something. And it does smell feety, you'll see! :)
Posted by
Amanda |
12:15 PM
My mother use to prepare mashed potatoes with fried fish it taste really good I suppose that if you add fish to this recipe it'll taste better.
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1:39 PM
excuse me, can you tell me what kind of recipes I can prepare with squash? here's the history, one of my friends give me a little amount of seed of this plant, and now I have many of then in my garden.
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9:35 AM