Wednesday 4/5 - Grilled Tempeh Sandwich and An Exercise Update
And... we're back! It's been a while, I know, but between not having my camera and dealing with the increasing workload at school, I haven't been able to spend much time blogging. As you know. But I got my camera back yesterday, so at least that part is back to normal. I'm glad. I miss obsessively photographing what I eat. Unfortunately dinner tonight was just the VwaV samosa filling, which I've posted like 3 pictures of, so I didn't bother with that. I have one of lunch, though.

A grilled sandwich! The Boy brought home a George Foreman grill that his mom was getting rid of, and this is pretty much the only thing I've used it for just yet. Sauteed marinated tempeh, grilled yellow peppers, and spinach on sourdough bread. I built the sandwich and then stuck the whole thing in the George Foreman for a few minutes. Yum. I want to make paninis now.
And now onto the real news: I've been working out. That's right, I'm actually following up on one of my lofty declarations. The plan is to do cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and strength training on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, with Sunday as a rest day. For cardio I'm following the Couch to 5K running program, which works you up to running 3 miles at a time over 9 weeks. I did it once before, so I know I can do it again. I took the month one strength training workout from the Self Challenge, which I did yesterday with 5 lb dumbells and will do tomorrow with 3 lb ones, because 5 lbs almost killed me.
I never really paid much attention to strength training. I was like, yeah, okay, lift some weights, do some crunches, whatever. It just didn't seem that effective. But ooooh man. That workout kicked my butt. I will never doubt strength training again.
The most amazing part of all of this is how early I've been getting up. Monday morning we were out at 7:00; this morning we were already done by then. We're talking about me here - me - someone who thinks 10 a.m. is too damn early. But I've really been enjoying it. I love having my workout done before I even eat breakfast, and the day seems a lot longer when you're actually awake for most of it. Who knew. This morning it was 30 degrees, windy, raining, even snowing a bit, but I didn't even really think twice about getting up to go out. Having a partner really helps a lot.
I've been eating pretty well too. Interestingly it seems like I actually eat less when I exercise. Maybe because I don't want to undo the progress I've made. I don't really know, but I just haven't had the same cravings for the last few days. All in all it's been a good 3 days. I think exercise may be the key for me. Hopefully this easy commitment I've been feeling will last.

A grilled sandwich! The Boy brought home a George Foreman grill that his mom was getting rid of, and this is pretty much the only thing I've used it for just yet. Sauteed marinated tempeh, grilled yellow peppers, and spinach on sourdough bread. I built the sandwich and then stuck the whole thing in the George Foreman for a few minutes. Yum. I want to make paninis now.
And now onto the real news: I've been working out. That's right, I'm actually following up on one of my lofty declarations. The plan is to do cardio on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and strength training on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, with Sunday as a rest day. For cardio I'm following the Couch to 5K running program, which works you up to running 3 miles at a time over 9 weeks. I did it once before, so I know I can do it again. I took the month one strength training workout from the Self Challenge, which I did yesterday with 5 lb dumbells and will do tomorrow with 3 lb ones, because 5 lbs almost killed me.
I never really paid much attention to strength training. I was like, yeah, okay, lift some weights, do some crunches, whatever. It just didn't seem that effective. But ooooh man. That workout kicked my butt. I will never doubt strength training again.
The most amazing part of all of this is how early I've been getting up. Monday morning we were out at 7:00; this morning we were already done by then. We're talking about me here - me - someone who thinks 10 a.m. is too damn early. But I've really been enjoying it. I love having my workout done before I even eat breakfast, and the day seems a lot longer when you're actually awake for most of it. Who knew. This morning it was 30 degrees, windy, raining, even snowing a bit, but I didn't even really think twice about getting up to go out. Having a partner really helps a lot.
I've been eating pretty well too. Interestingly it seems like I actually eat less when I exercise. Maybe because I don't want to undo the progress I've made. I don't really know, but I just haven't had the same cravings for the last few days. All in all it's been a good 3 days. I think exercise may be the key for me. Hopefully this easy commitment I've been feeling will last.
pretty cool!!! I agree having a partner makes it much more easier to workout..
mes too gonna starting cycling to work from tomm.. lets c how it goes :)
Posted by
Kuntal Joisher |
2:33 AM
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Posted by
Gail Weaver |
3:12 AM
Congrats on discovering the joy of exercise! It's all about the endorphins :)
Your camera takes really great photos. Wait, let me rephrase that. You take really great photos, and your camera seems to be of a superb quality. What kind is it?
Posted by
Gail Weaver |
3:13 AM
Keep up the good work with the excerise!
About using the George Foreman for grilled sandwichs, what an awesome idea. Mine has been sitting in the back of the cupboard for a long time, unused. I just figured I'd have no use for it now that I don't eat meat.
Posted by
Grace |
3:21 PM
Vegancore, welcome back!
I actually saw a recipe in the Candle Cafe cookbook and thought of you (because that was weird to think this reminds me of 'vegancore', what is your name?) - it was a grilled chipotle tempeh sandwich..and I visit today and you have something fairly similar.
I wish I had more time in the morning to get my work out out of the way, I should try that for the weekends. Kudos to you for the early morning work outs! I've been eating smaller portions and working out, so I'm feeling fairly good about myself, which is better than worse.
Posted by
jess (of Get Sconed!) |
6:34 PM
kunsjoi - Having a partner really does make a lot of difference. Good luck with your cycling!
gail - Seriously, I am loving those endorphins. Re: the camera: Thank you for rephrasing that. :) I hear that sometimes and it's kind of annoying to have all the credit go to what is essentially just a tool. It is a great camera, though. It's a Nikon D70 and pretty much my child.
grace - I hope you give the grilled sandwiches a try! it makes the bread really nice and crispy in a way that toasting can't replicate. I'm pretty infatuated with my George right now, so I'll probably have other posts about it soon.
jess - I always think it's weird to think of people in terms of internet monikers, so my name is Amanda. I've looked at that recipe - it sounds delicious, especially since I looove tempeh. Unfortunately I never have all of the ingredients on hand and I rarely remember it when I'm out. I'll have to make a special point of it sometime.
I find that working out in the morning is the only way to be sure I do it. Otherwise I'll get home from school and be tired and put it off like I do with all the homework I have piling up around me. I have a love/hate relationship with getting up early, but this is kind of pushing me more to the love side.
Posted by
Amanda |
7:15 PM
Good for you for working out, especially in the AM! That sounds like a solid plan you’ve got there. I like the strength training moves in that sequence, except that modified bicycle one at the end it looks a little awkward and way too easy to accidentally strain your neck in that positions. I have come to love strength training. Like you I never paid it much attention till last fall, but now I feel so bad ass at the gym when I can lift the 15 lb dumbbells. And I can totally relate to eating better when I work out regularly, it keeps me in check.
Keep up the good work, you’ll be all fit and toned before you know it!
Posted by
Shananigans |
7:51 PM
Keep up the good work!!!
Posted by
KleoPatra |
10:18 PM
shananigans - The bicycle move is a little tricky. It's easy at first, but then about halfway through the set it starts to hurt like a mother. I'm carefuly not to pull on my neck, because it's so tempting to. I don't even want to think about 15 lb dumbells. I had to move down to 3 lb ones and the two moves where you lift your arms straight out to the side still kill me.
kleopatra - Thanks! :)
Posted by
Amanda |
12:44 AM