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Friday 4/7 - Apple Oat Pancakes

It was 9:30 am and The Boy and I were pondering what to have for breakfast after our run. Not oatmeal. Not smoothies. Not anything savory like home fries. How about pancakes? I turned Vive le Vegan and picked out the Apple Oat Pancakes. I wouldn't call them a complete success, but they weren't a failure either.

There is no conventional flour in this recipe. It is simply ground oats, spices, baking powder, soymilk, a little oil, and thinly sliced apples. I added some ground flax because... well, just because. It wasn't enough to mess anything up, maybe two tablespoons. The diversity of flours is one thing I love about Vive le Vegan, because although I'm not sensitive to wheat at all I know that there are more nutritious options out there, especially in comparison to regular white flour. However, using only ground oats does make for rather fragile pancakes. That plus the apple slices made these a mess on the griddle. Next time I would either grate the apple or cut the slices a lot smaller, so that they would incorporate into the batter a bit better.

In the end I'll say that they are pretty tasty. I added about 3x as much cinnamon as the recipe called for, sort of by accident and sort of because I might possibly be addicted to cinnamon. The taste wasn't overwhelming, though - the cardamom, at just 1/4 tsp, was equally powerful. I had mine with fakey, sugar-free "maple-flavored" syrup, which I know is grounds for death by stoning. But it's not that bad, and I just can't bring myself to use real maple syrup because I like to drown things in syrup and that would just be ridiculous on all counts.

Anyway, I give this recipe a 7. Good but fragile and in need a few tweaks.


Those pancakes sound good, I’m a big fan of making something special for breakfast on the weekend when I don’t have to rush. I’ve been making these low-fat high protein pancakes once in a while, but now I’m wondering how I can veganize them since I’ve gradually been cutting the dairy and eggs back. Anyone have substitution suggestions?
They’re super easy, combine 1/3 cup each oatmeal (or mixed wholegrain hot cereal, I use one made by Roman Meal), cottage cheese and egg whites in blender. Optional: add some maple syrup or splenda, vanilla extract, cinnamon, whatever floats your boat. Blend into smooth batter and make like regular pancake (measurements are for one serving, one good sized pancake). I like to top mine with unsweetened apple sauce swirled with a little maple syrup. I’m thinking maybe I can replace the cottage cheese with silken tofu and the eggs with one of those imitation egg products like Ener-G? Ideas are appreciated.

those look pretty tasty even though only a 7, yo. I haven't had pancakes in ages...mmm. I've been sick with the flu ALL WEEK. How does that happen? Aren't healthy eaters supposed to be immune from that crap? I guess that's what roommates do though--spread all their germs around. Hmmmpf. Well, your recent postings have kept me entertained during my sicks days anyway =)

shananigans- I vote for silken tofu and/soy yogurt. I don't think ener g is what you're looking for here. If you have a recipe I'd be willing to give it a try?

Hmmm, soy yogurt. That would be even better since it’s something I normally keep around anyway. I’ve never tried Ener-G, just heard if it. I'll try it for breakfast tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

I have good results with the Banana Bliss Pancake, also from VLV. The kids and I love them with the blueberry maple syrup that's on the following page:)

I'm going to link here. Don't know why I haven't done that yet. Hope it's okay.

shananigans - I agree with Jess on the subject of egg replacers. Ener-G is pretty much just potato starch and a leavener of some kind, and it works well enough I suppose, but soy yogurt or even applesauce would probably be a better bet. More substantial as well. You could maybe use flax + water too, since that gets kind of gooey and egg-esque if you let it sit for a while.

ms. mercedes - I'm sorry you've been sick for so long! That's awful. I hardly ever get sick, but when I do it's always at the worst possible time. Like the last week of spring semester last year... it was finals meltdown time and I could hardly lift my head up for all the snot inside. It was awesome. I hope you're feeling better soon, and I'm glad I can provide a little respite from coughing up your lungs. :) Maybe you could make some kind of raw pancakes? That would be really interesting to see.

jess - Agreed.

kaivegan - I made those pancakes and like them a lot. I'm a sucker for banana anything. I think it was the size of the apple slices more than anything that made these fall apart. As for linking here, of course it's okay! I have your blog bookmarked - your daughter is absolutely adorable.

FYI - tofu/soy yogurt/oatmeal pancakes, not such a great idea. Not that is was terrible, but the consistency of the batter just wasn't right and it didn't really cook like a pancake should. Ah well, applesauce and maple syrup can fix many things.

I'm sorry we led you astray! I have no idea what your pancakes are supposed to taste like so it's a little hard to say what would be best to use. But you're right, maple syrup can cure many ills. :)

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